Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Life in Colour

I've come to the conclusion that I have been living my life like it's a story book, and at no real fault of my own. It's very much an Alice in Wonderland sort of book, full of "and then for no apparent reason..."s, and plenty changes in my size (not literally, but it feels so). And so what other way could I go about opening each day besides turning a page of print and sliding down the words as I read my life unfolding? There's a new way of living besides being a storybook character I would like to try (all kindest respects to Lewis Caroll and his Alice, I'm currently reading that, and it's very delightful, I recommend reading it if you have not.) I'm going to paint each day in vivid living colour. Some days I will want to dip my hands in the paint and paint from my fingertips, feeling the colour seeping into my skin and then becoming the life I paint, instilling myself, fingerprints, into what I create. Some days, I'll just swirl my brushes in different colours, imagining possibilities. If I feel a grey day, I'll let myself see the grey but remember that it's only a colour on my ever-changing canvas, and will be painted over tomorrow by brighter hues.

"You whose day it is make it beautiful. Get out your rainbow colours so it will be beautiful" - Nootka Native American Chant

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